WebJunction-FREE library specific courses

Beginning on July 1, access to WebJunction’s library-specific courses is available for free to all library workers (including volunteers) across the nation. Through the generous support of OCLC, the Gates Foundation, and many state library agencies across the U.S., WebJunction will continue to provide timely and relevant learning content for you to access anytime, from anywhere. Simply create an account at learn.webjunction.org, and then explore the catalog of library-focused self-paced courses and webinars. Certificates of completion will be available to you after you have completed any course or webinar that you enroll in from the catalog.

Over the next year, WebJunction will continue to grow its catalog of learning content, and will add new resources on topics of high interest on www.webjunction.org. Please be sure you are subscribed to Crossroads, our monthly e-newsletter that will let you know about new learning programs and professional development opportunities.

Happy learning!
-The WebJunction Team