This year, 24 professors and students from FSU’s College of Communication and Information had papers and presentations accepted to the National Communication Association’s 105th Annual Convention. The NCA is a not-for-profit membership-based society focused on “advancing Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry.” This year’s conference theme is “Communication for Survival” and will take place on November 14-17. The following professors and students had work accepted:
Laura Arpan – Co-Author
“Revisiting Communication during Disasters: A Synchronicity-based, Mixed-methods Exploration using Survey and Geo-spatial Analysis”
Elilu Cabreros – Co-Author
“Oscar Bait and the Representation of Marginalized Identities: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Oscar-Nominated Films”
Juliann Cortese – Co-Author
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of the Presentation Format of Consumer Generated Reviews on
Vaibhav S. Diwanji – Co-Author
“’ Trust me, I’m a YouTuber:’ Examining the impact of YouTube content on viewer perceptions of popular media properties”
“Revisiting Communication during Disasters: A Synchronicity-based, Mixed-methods Exploration using Survey and Geo-spatial Analysis”
“A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of the Presentation Format of Consumer Generated Reviews on”
“Don’t Just Watch, Join In: Exploring Information Behavior and Copresence on Twitch”
“Oscar Bait and the Representation of Marginalized Identities: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Oscar-Nominated Films”
Natalie Edwards-Heller – Co-Author
“Body Diversity in Social Media: A Comparative Content Analysis of Corporate versus Grassroots Approaches”
Nivia Escobar-Salazar – Author
“Urban Sustainability and Social Exclusion: Exploring the Negative Effects of Changes to the Built Environment from the Perspective”
Arienne Ferchaud – Co-Author
“‘Trust me, I’m a YouTuber:’ Examining the impact of YouTube content on viewer perceptions of popular media properties”
“Don’t Just Watch, Join In: Exploring Information Behavior and Copresence on Twitch”
Christopher Garcia – Author
“’We Are Coca-Cola and So Much More’: Political Economic Analysis of Non-Carbonated SSB Coke Brands”
Brian Graves – Presenter
“Engaging Students with Community Partnerships: Staying Relevant to Survive”
Joshua Hendrickse – Author
“Body Diversity in Social Media: A Comparative Content Analysis of Corporate versus Grassroots Approaches”
Avery Henry – Author
“Surviving a Losing Argument: An Analysis of the Public Arguments about Sports Ownership”
Laura-Kate Gonyea Huse – Co-Author
“Facilitating communicative environments: An exploration of game modalities as facilitators of social justice”
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
Tracy A Ippolito – Author
“Safe in the Rooms of A.A: How Anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous Helps Reduce the Stigma of Help-seeking and Reinforces Solidarity and Group Cohesiveness”
“Sensemaking and Mental Health: Exploring Threats to Firefighters’ Survival”
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
Mia Liza A. Lustria – Co-Author
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
Casey McLaughlin – Co-Author
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
Juan S. Muhamad – Author
“Surviving the Label: Examining the Burden of the Socially Constructed Disabilities Label.”
“Unpacking the Gendered Digital Divide: Exploring Women’s Physical and Intellectual Access to ICTs”
“Effects of Chronic Exposure to Invalidation on People of Color in Academia”
Ryan O’Connor – Co-Author
“Body Diversity in Social Media: A Comparative Content Analysis of Corporate versus Grassroots Approaches”
Jennifer Proffitt – Co-Author
“’We Are Coca-Cola and So Much More’: Political Economic Analysis of Non-Carbonated SSB Coke Brands”
Arthur A. Raney – Co-Author
“Developing and Validating the Self-Transcendent Emotion Dictionary for Textual Analysis”
Muhammad Ehab Rasul – Co-Author
“Politically entertained: Exposure to fictional entertainment and attitude towards female politicians”
Sean Sawicki – Author
“Beyond the CrossFit WOD: A Prescribed Culture An Examination of CrossFit Culture to Understand its Pursuit as a Primary Form of Exercise”
Nicholas M. Sellers – Co-Author
“’Trust me, I’m a YouTuber:’ Examining the impact of YouTube content on viewer perceptions of popular media properties”
“Don’t Just Watch, Join In: Exploring Information Behavior and Copresence on Twitch”
Victoria Villanti – Co-Author
“Oscar Bait and the Representation of Marginalized Identities: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Oscar-Nominated Films”
Victoria Paige Weinbrecht – Co-Author
“’Trust me, I’m a YouTuber:’ Examining the impact of YouTube content on viewer perceptions of popular media properties”
“Don’t Just Watch, Join In: Exploring Information Behavior and Copresence on Twitch”
Jessica Wendorf Muhamad – Presenter
Legislative Assembly I
“Facilitating communicative environments: An exploration of game modalities as facilitators of social justice”
“Sensemaking and Mental Health: Exploring Threats to Firefighters’ Survival”
“Surviving the Opioid Crisis: Examining the efficacy of images, interactivity, and personalized prevention platforms”
“Applied Communication Division Business Meeting”
“Establishing and Maintaining Efficacious Pluridisciplinarity: Examining Participatory Research Teams for Applied Communication Interventions”
Legislative Assembly II
“Unpacking the Gendered Digital Divide: Exploring Women’s Physical and Intellectual Access to ICTs”
“In Times of Resistance: Surviving Social Justice in the Classroom”
“Effects of Chronic Exposure to Invalidation on People of Color in Academia”