New Faculty Members Join the School of Communication 

The College of Communication and Information (CCI) is excited to welcome four new faculty members to the School of Communication. Get to know each of them below! 


Braidyn Lazenby – Assistant Professor

Ph.D., The University of Texas, Austin 

Courses Taught: Persuasion, Mass Media and Society

Braidyn Lazenby is eager to teach applied skills in the classroom. Her research interests focus on interpersonal health communication, specifically how communication about the body and food influences health outcomes and health behaviors. 

“I knew that FSU CCI was going to be the best fit for me,” said Lazenby. “Beyond the incredible resources and opportunities that FSU at large provides faculty, the CCI faculty specifically have an infectious energy. They are not only incredibly intelligent and productive, but are kind, have such interesting hobbies, and love their job here.” 

Outside the classroom, Lazenby is known to have a wide range of hobbies. She has performed in a puppetry troupe, played multiple instruments, and is currently learning to speak Dutch. She also touts an extensive knowledge of different dog breeds, which she is happy to share upon request. 


Nicholas Sellers – Teaching Faculty

Ph.D., Florida State University 

Courses Taught: Intro to PR, Writing for Media, Media Consumer Behavior 

A two-time graduate of the School of Communication, Nick Sellers is excited to return and serve as a resource to current students both inside and outside the classroom. 

“I would not be where I am today without the guidance of the great faculty here at CCI,” Sellers said. “To be a part of that great faculty and to be able to give back to the school and college that gave me so much is very exciting. I cannot wait to get started!” 

Sellers previously served as the assistant sports editor for the FSView and later as the first director of esports at the FSU Panama City campus, so he is a go to resource for students interested in talking video games or college football! 


Ruosi Shao – Assistant Professor

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University 

Classes Taught: Communication Research Methods 

Ruosi (Rose) Shao was attracted to the College because of the exceptional opportunities for collaboration across all three CCI schools, which align with her research in digital health communication. Her work, particularly in the realm of digital technologies, is set to foster interdisciplinary partnerships within the CCI community. 

“The ongoing research at CCI, especially in advancing technologies and methodologies in health informatics and information science, is incredibly inspiring,” Shao said. “What truly sets CCI apart is its strong integration of clinical research within the School of Communication Science and Disorders, offering a unique environment to develop and test innovative, technology-based health interventions.” 

As an instructor, Shao is dedicated to introducing her students to the value of communication as a discipline, aiming to create a foundation for shared meanings and deeper connections. Beyond her research and teaching, she draws significant inspiration from Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and often engages in jigsaw puzzles as a form of relaxation and meditation. 


Yin Yang – Assistant Professor

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University 

Classes Taught: Communication Research Methods (undergraduate level), Social Marketing

Yin Yang focuses on the intersection of health and environmental communication and media effects. Her recent research also incorporates the role of media modalities, such as augmented reality.  

“To make an impact on students, I hope to, and I will, do my best to help students achieve their goals by learning about what they need and adjusting my teaching and mentoring accordingly,” Yang said. “For my undergraduate courses, I have planned a series of hands-on assignments and activities, from which students can learn the skills needed for their professional career after graduation.” 

Yang is also an avid long-distance runner and looks forward to participating in local Tallahassee races and events.