Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Mariam Shaikh

Dr. Mariam Shaikh, who serves as the United Nations (UN) Communications Advisor to the President of the General Assembly, is also a Florida State University (FSU) School of Communication alumna. Shaikh credits the School with instilling key skills and insights that helped her get to where she is today.


New SCOM IP Program in Switzerland

The School of Communication is now introducing a new study abroad program in Geneva, Switzerland. This program allows students interested in climate change and geography to highlight these issues through journalism and reporting.


CCI Associate Dean Recognized at TalTech Conference

College of Communication and Information (CCI) Associate Dean Ebe Randeree was presented with a “Leadership and Dedication” award at the TalTech Conference on November 13, 2024. The award read, “In tribute to your many years of leadership and dedication advancing technology and education in our community.” Randeree has worked with the TalTech Alliance for 18 years and served as a board member for five. He was presented the award by Bryan Gibson, who is the Vice Chairman of the TalTech Alliance.


School of Communication Faculty and Alumnus Contribute to Award Winning Student Film Project

During the 2021 Sunflower County Film Academy, 22 high school students–with the help of several School of Communication faculty and alumni–spent a week planning, directing, and filming the documentary An Army Rising Up while exploring their community’s connection to civil rights icons Emmet Till and Fannie Lou Hamer. Every summer, Fannie Lou Hamer’s America hosts …