CI student accepts YouTube award

Libby Childers , a master’s student at the College of Information, accepted an award at The First InfoTubey Awards, part of the 22nd Annual Computers in Libraries conference in Arlington, Virginia. The awards recognized the top five outstanding YouTube, library-related productions that “demonstrate creativity, humor, and sincerity in marketing a library or library services or …


BRASS Thomson Financial Student Travel Award

The BRASS Thompson Financial Student Travel Award would like to encourage library school students to apply for this year’s award to travel to the American Libraries Association’s annual conference in Anaheim, CA June 26-July 2, 2008. Applicants must meet the following criteria: The recipient shall have a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career as a …


ARLIS/NA Student Awards

Hello, ART LIBRARIES SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA (ARLIS/NA) is offering three awards for current library school students and/or recent graduates to attend our annual conference. This year the conference is being held in Denver, May 1-5, 2008. Would you please post the attached notice to your student mailing list and perhaps also on a bulletin …


Annual Convocation & Award Ceremony

PROCESSIONAL WELCOME Paul Marty 2007 SRYGLEY LECTURE Introduction by Corinne Jrgensen “Traditions: Foundations for the Future” Lawrence C Dennis Dean, FSU College of Information COLLEGE OF INFORMATION AWARDS Introduction by Paul Marty Outstanding Alumni Award Charles E. Parker Presented by Mary Jane Little, 2006 Award Recipient F. Wiliams Summers Outstanding Graduate Award Rachel Besara Presented …


ALA Spectrum Scholarship

YALSA will be funding one ALA Spectrum Scholar for the 2008 year who is interested in pursuing a career in young adult librarianship or secondary school librarianship. Spectrum Scholars receive a $5,000 scholarship towards the completion of a masters in library science. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2008. Spectrum’s major drive is to …



The Association of Jewish Libraries is pleased to announce a scholarship of $500 to a student enrolled or accepted in a graduate school of library and information science. Prospective candidates should have knowledge of and interest in Jewish Studies, and demonstrate the potential, ability and intention of pursuing a career in Judaica Librarianship. For information …


20 scholarships available for Librarians Serving the Public

The College is seeking applicants for the Librarians Serving the Public scholarship program and is currently able to offer 20 scholarships to begin in fall 2007. The scholarships will pay tuition for 6 credits of master’s degree coursework for 3 semesters (Fall 2007, Spring 2008, and Summer 2008). This is a total of 18 credits, …