SCOM’s Dr. Rachel Bailey Awarded $20,000 CRC Grant

School of Communicaton associate professor Dr. Rachel Bailey recently received a $20,000 Summer Research Support award from the Council on Research and Creativity (CRC) for her project “Utilizing Competing Biological Motivations: Can We Decrease People’s Disgust Response to Lab Grown Meat?” This project will test if it’s possible to change consumer acceptance of lab grown …


5 CCI Faculty and Staff Honored in FSU’s Author’s Day

On March 7, five College of Communication faculty and staff members were honored in FSU Author’s Day. FSU Author’s Day is an annual program that honors faculty and staff that have recently published a book. Read on to learn more about the recognized CCI faculty and staff. Andrew Opel- The West Wind: A Winnipesaukee Sailing …


Fannie Lou Hamer’s America Chosen for American Film Showcase

Fannie Lou Hamer's America Chosen for American Film Showcase

The American Film Showcase (AFS) has chosen the documentary Fannie Lou Hamer’s America as an official selection for its 2024 film showcase. The AFS brings award-winning contemporary American documentaries to audiences around the world, providing a view of American society and culture as seen by independent filmmakers. Many FSU students had direct involvement in the …