Dr. Plato L. Smith II, recent graduate of Florida State University, has accepted a fellowship at University of New Mexico’s (UNM) College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences.
Dr. Plato Smith has been chosen for a fellowship at University of New Mexico.
After defending his dissertation “Exploring the Data Management and Curation Practices of Scientists in Research Labs within a Research University,” Smith was awarded his 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation Programs and Services. Smith is among 27 fellows chosen for the position. “This postdoc is a perfect hybrid researcher/teaching position that will prepare me for multiple future opportunities including tenured track academic positions,” said Smith.

While at UNM, he will participate in the following:
- Develop and deliver data management training
- Research support and consultation or UNM faculty and graduate students
- Receive, curate, archive and publish science or social science research data
- Provide literacy educational programs for UNM
Smith received his Master’s in Library and Information Sciences from North Carolina Central University. He received his Doctorate in Information Studies from the School of Information, within the College of Communication and Information at Florida State University.
“Dr. Smith has been a dynamic, outstanding graduate student who has contributed to the FSU Libraries and the School of Information. I am pleased to see that he has found a position at the University of New Mexico which will enable him to build on his strengths and develop additional expertise.” said Dr. Larry Dennis, Dean of the College of Communication and Information.
“Plato has a tremendous ability to develop data management projects that bridge multiple disciplines,” said Dr. Paul Marty, who served as Smith’s major professor. “This postdoctoral fellowship will provide a great opportunity for Plato to draw upon his strengths as a digital curation researcher and practitioner to create new interdisciplinary connections in Library and Information Studies, and contribute to the international scholarly research community of data management and curation.”
During his time at FSU, Dr. Smith served as Department Head of the Digital Library Center at Strozier Library from 2005-2012. He has also worked as a Teaching Assistant in the Program in Interdisciplinary Computing.
“Florida’s iSchool has taught me to be intellectually curious, scholarly active, and pragmatically altruistic. I am humbled and grateful for the support, guidance, and expertise I received from the faculty during the course of my doctoral matriculation.”
While some of his earlier work lies in digital libraries and content, his more recent pursuits focus on interdisciplinary management of research data, a focus relevant to agencies, organizations and institutions. “The fellowship will allow me the freedom to focus on research while assisting with the development of academic data curation technologies, programs and services for faculty and students,” said Smith.
Want more Plato? Some of his publications are available through University Libraries at FSU.