Earlier this year Dr. Shuyuan Mary Ho was awarded the NSF I-CORPS grant to investigate the feasibility of communication analysis software and human language analysis in various market segments, and now she has received yet another grant. Dr. Ho has been awarded the Florida Center for Cybersecurity (FC²) Collaborative Seed Grant.
FC² is poised to become a leader in the charge to educate citizens, develop research solutions, and engage the community in the field of Cybersecurity. This effort lines up well with Dr. Ho’s research interests, which include human-computer interactions with a focus on analyzing communication behavior to protect against fraud and deception in cyberspace. For the past several years, she has been working to develop a framework for a dyadic attribution model that can assess human trustworthiness in sophisticated online communication environments. Dr. Ho is advancing this research towards a computational assessment for an early warning system to identify subtle human motives that can threaten organizations in a distributed cloud computing environment.
“I am delighted for the opportunity to work with Dr. Hongmei Chi at FAMU on this FC2 grant,” said Dr. Ho. “In this grant, we plan to use a “Monte Carlo” computational approach to investigate the complexity of users’ behavior in a corporate cloud environment. This research is exciting and significant because of its interdisciplinary nature, merging both information and computational science. I look forward to discovering the potential, and reporting the findings to the research community.”