Written by Elizabeth Schutte
This summer, students in the School of Communication gained hands-on communication experience as they completed internships in various settings throughout the nation. Amongst them, three public relations seniors, Taylor Arnold, Savannah Gribbin and Kylee Mukeba, fulfilled the internship requirement for their major, each having a unique and rewarding experience.

Taylor Arnold completed her internship in Denver, where she worked for the United Launch Alliance. Arnold managed communications for a rocket launch and a STEM outreach event.
Arnold reported that she learned about the importance of understanding your audience and remaining inquisitive. “There is a learning curve when you first start a new job, where you may feel confused in your role and as though you aren’t cut out for it,” said the 21-year-old Satellite Beach, FL native. “Be patient with yourself and ask questions!”
On the other side of the country, Savannah Gribbin interned with Hundred Stories PR in Manhattan, New York. Gribbin said that she honed her public relations skills as she worked through the ranks to serve as Social Media Manager. As she attended site visits and met with clients, she learned the importance of timeliness and frequency of communication.

She recognized the value of her experience and recommended that others take a similar leap professionally. “I encourage everyone to get experience as early as possible and take on anything that is at their fingertips!”
Finally, Kylee Mukeba completed her internship remotely with the PR firm Taylor and was invited to attend a business trip in Atlanta. This opportunity allowed the 22-year-old Clermont, FL native to gain both experience and confidence in her public relations skills.

Mukeba said that her experience allowed her to apply her course materials to the real world. “After completing the internship, the material I’m learning in my PR classes makes more sense and I can see how it applies in a real career.”
Communication Professor Dr. Elizabeth Ray underlined the value of internships for students. “Internships help our students sharpen their skillset, gain real-world experience and create networking opportunities,” Ray said. “Students are able to train directly in their chosen field alongside seasoned professionals who often become life-long mentors. Our students at the School of Communication are eager to learn and I’m always excited to hear about the industry knowledge they’ve gained, the new connections they’ve made and the fun they’ve had pursuing internships.”