SCOM Ph.D. Student Earns Research Grants to Investigate Violence Prevention

Written by Joan Nygbah

Doctoral Candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant Pooja Ichplani has recently received a variety of grants to fund her dissertation work focused on the part intervention plays in preventing violence in close relationships.

“It strengthens my ability to conduct field research but also positions me to pursue multidisciplinary work in the future as I borrow from the fields of social work, psychology, public health, and criminal justice and integrate communication science to bring social justice,” Ichplani said.

Alongside the Florida State University dissertation grant, she has received the Grant Haley Travel Grant and the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Materials Grant. “The School of Communication is making its presence across the Big Bend counties with this research as I am establishing some preliminary relationships with the local stakeholders whenever I am out for data collection,” Ichplani said.

“Pooja’s dissertation work examines the social network ties of women survivors of intimate partner violence,” said Dr. Rachel Bailey, Ichplani’s dissertation chair. “Her perseverance in seeking funding to make the work possible is commendable and demonstrates her commitment to her scholarship.”