SCOM Students Encourage Others to Study Abroad Through FSU’s School of Communication

Written by Joan Nygbah

Studying abroad is an opportunity for students to experience the world as their classroom. The School of Communication (SCOM) provides specialized programs in London and in Florence.

Sophia Schroeder, Alyssa Thomassy and Andrew Cheyne studied abroad during the Summer 2023 term. They share their experiences and advice for fellow School of Communication students who are considering studying abroad.


Q: What was one of the highlights of your study abroad experience?

Sophia Schroeder: Although I had many memorable moments in Italy, one of the many highlights of my study abroad experience was the people I met. Studying abroad is a great way to meet people, both from your respective campus and those in your host country.


 Q: What are some things you learned through studying abroad with SCOM that you apply to your studies now?

 Alyssa Thomassy: Your mind truly grows in the sense of awareness, ideas, and thoughtfulness. Working with the magazine and writing articles I learned a lot about building a great piece of writing when it comes to things like grammar, language, style, and more! (Note: Students who take part in the Communication program in Florence, Italy, are in charge of producing a magazine).


Q: What advice would you give someone looking to apply to study abroad through the SCOM program?

Andrew Cheyne: Apply for scholarships. It may seem daunting, but it is worth it. The process of writing the application essays for these awards is valuable and often requires you to reflect on why you want to study abroad.


As these students stated, studying abroad through Florida State’s School of Communication is a chance to grow professionally and personally. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Applications launch on Wednesday, September 27. Students are also invited to attend the study abroad fair on Wednesday, October 25 for more information about the programs and scholarships.