Health IT Internship

Internship with University Health Services

Information Technology Support Assistant

Job Requirements:

Help Desk support

  1. Software installation, testing, and upgrading
  2. Hardware installation, testing, and upgrading
  3. Virus and malware removal
  4. Assist in supporting technology equipment such as printers and pc’s


  1. Creating, editing, and deleting user accounts
  2. Assisting in management of group policies
  3. Installing, testing, and upgrading networking hardware
  4. Configuring batch logins for mapping of resources
  5. Troubleshooting connectivity issues
  6. Assist in the maintenance and support of VoIP phones


  1. Assist in the training, troubleshooting, and upgrades of the various EMR systems currently installed at UHS
  2. Provide technical support to clinical staff regarding use of EMR technology

Other Responsibilities:

  1. Attend weekly IT meetings with CIO to discuss updates and need assessments
  2. Provide training to staff on proper use of email and internet technology
  3. Work with CIO on Disaster Contingency program
  4. Assist in the review and update of policies and procedures
  5. Assist in identifying new technologies to be used within UHS
  6. Other duties as assigned

Minimum Requirements:

  1. Must have attend the Health IT class

Contact Person:

Michael “Pete” Peterson, CIO
University Health Services