Archives Summer Intern: Tallahassee

Archives: Summer 2018 INTERN

Walker Library Project in Tallahassee

The David S. Walker Library is a historic library in Tallahassee, Florida named for Governor David S. Walker who served from 1865 through 1868. For the years1903 to 1956 it housed Tallahassee’s public library. The Library is located at 209 East Park Avenue. Since 1977, it has served as home of Springtime Tallahassee Inc., the organization that runs the annual festival. The Walker Library is one of 65 Leon County properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Library has un-cataloged books, estimated to be between 1500 and 2000. Some are from the original library and some are donations or gifts. A few appear to date back to when FSU was a Seminary School! These books are currently in storage.

The first step for the project is to use WorldCat and prepare an information and description card for each book so it can be assessed for its value and purpose for the collection. Sandra Varry, FSU university archivist will design the card and work with the intern initially to set up guidelines for the project. Dr. Christie Koontz will supervise the for credit portion of the internship.

The intern will work in a yet undetermined site in downtown Tallahassee where the books will be accessible for inventory. A laptop will be needed for accessing Worldcat and wi-fi will be provided..

Sandra Varry FSU, Archivist will assist with the project.

For more information contact Dr. Christie Koontz,