The South Carolina State Library is the primary administrator of federal and state support for the state’s libraries. Headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina, the State Library develops, supports, and sustains a thriving statewide community of learners committed to making South Carolina stronger. We serve the people of South Carolina by supporting state government and libraries to provide opportunities for learning in a changing environment.
The South Carolina State Library is seeking a creative, detail-oriented person with excellent customer service skills for the Director of Library Development position. This dynamic position oversees the library development department, under the division of statewide development, comprised of seven (7) library staff responsible for public library consultation, training for public library staff, managing LSTA subgrants, and programs supporting public libraries and statewide initiatives. The library development department supports excellence for all South Carolina libraries. The Director represents the State Library at meetings, conferences, panels, and committees both statewide and nationally to maintain awareness of trends, and to seek and strengthen partnerships and program opportunities.
Examples of Work:
The Director of Library Development will conduct a range of tasks with responsibilities which may include:
- Ensure the performance, management, and development of the staff in the library development department utilize its full potential in accomplishing the organization’s overall mission, strategy, and goals
- Supervise employees by applying appropriate management principles according to South Carolina State Library (SCSL) policy and procedures, complete Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) processes timely and accurately, and monitor employee progress toward goal attainment
- Communicate expectations and help employees with performance improvement, professional development, and skills/competency development
- Coordinate consulting services to library systems in various policy and program areas
- Work directly in a consultative capacity with public library stakeholders on administrative and operational issues
- Keep abreast of changing trends, issues, and challenges in public libraries in order to assess and implement training and support services
- Oversee library development (LD) department, which includes LD consultants by specialty area, and perform library development consulting as needed
- Oversees the administration of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) subgrant program, collect, and report library statistics, implement continuing education program, plan, and implement SCSL services and statewide programs, conduct assessment, etc.
- Oversee the budget for library development and help with oversights of the LSTA grant and subgrants
- Research and write reports required by the agency
- Serve on internal committees
- Serve on the agency leadership team
For more details and to apply please visit[0]=State%20Library&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs