The University of Florida’s George A. Smathers Libraries seek an Evening Circulation Supervisor who will oversee all activities, projects, and workflow in the Health Science Center Library’s Circulation and Course Reserves Unit during evening and Sunday hours.
Services provided by Health Science Center Library Access Services departmental staff are the most visible and noticeable services provided in the libraries. They have substantial contact with library users and perform behind-the-scenes tasks that impact the user’s ability to successfully access library materials. These employees staff a single service desk where patrons check out and return materials such as books, journals, lockers, study rooms, etc. They also provide basic reference services to patrons who come to the library and over the phone. In addition, the staff are responsible for stack maintenance; that comprises re-shelving the library materials, shelf reading and shifting of the collection. The person in this position supervises the evening electronic course reserves coordinator, and provides back up as needed. The person in this position is the Evening/ Sunday supervisor and manages weekend/Sunday OPS staff.
The search will remain open until September 10, 2021, and applications will be reviewed as received. For a full description of the position and instructions on how to apply, please refer to the George A. Smathers Libraries staff recruitment webpage at
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people, including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged to apply.
Address inquiries to Tina M. Litchfield, Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at: