Full-time, Tenure Track, Outreach Librarian @ El Camino College

El Camino College is seeking a full-time, tenure-track faculty member to join its team. The El Camino College library is looking for a committed, innovative librarian with strong communication and collaborative skills to lead, coordinate, and market outreach efforts to students, faculty, and the wider El Camino College community. The successful candidate will plan, implement, and assess library outreach programs across diverse college and community groups to facilitate student information literacy and address the academic support needs of non-traditional, underrepresented and transfer students. This new position will develop relationships with the library’s various user communities both in-person, online, and via social media. Duties will include: Identifying outreach opportunities and strategic partnerships with college departments and programs emphasizing the educational and academic support role of the library in college student success initiatives; coordinating the library’s representation at college and community events; leading the library’s social media initiatives; Coordinating the use of the library’s exhibit spaces; Developing liaison relationships with the wider college outreach programs like Dual Enrollment and Honors Transfer programs; Initiating, planning, and conducting a variety of programs and activities to encourage the use of the library and resources; Preparing surveys regarding future outreach needs and patron satisfaction; producing publicity releases, newsletters, and flyers; Coordinating the creation of library marketing videos; Further integrating library services into the Distance Education arena; Leading library outreach to diverse student groups in support of ECC’s commitment to equity.

For more information and to apply please see: http://www.elcamino.edu/about/depts/hr/docs/A1718-037%20FT%20LIBRARIAN%20-%20OUTREACH%20BROCHURE.pdf