Agency: The State Archives of Florida/Florida Dept. of State
> Salary: $50,000 annually
> Position is ongoing (OPS and grant funded)
> Job Description:
> A Systems Analyst is being requested to oversee the on-going website and application development, maintenance, database development, and implementation of various website applications for the Florida Memory Program. Responsibilities include web design, front (and some backend) web development, html/css/php programming, and web content development.
> The position will work with the Florida Memory team and the Information Systems Unit in performing the following functions:
> 1.Collections Analysis / Overview
> 2.Metadata Standards Selection and data management
> Florida Memory runs on the Omeka content management system. Experience with Omeka/Collection management with Omeka a plus.
> Persons interested should contact:
> Jody Norman, Archives Supervisor
> 850-245-6706