Web Assistant Position

Wanted: Web Assistant to work 15 hours a week in an administrative office on campus. Pay: $11 per hour.

·       Candidate must have thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS, some JavaScript, and be skilled using a graphics editor to design graphics and manipulate photography.

·       Must be comfortable in various environments like UNIX, WebDAV and any other platform the University requires us to use.  This entails uploading data and picture files; as well as creating and editing HTML and CSS files.

·       Candidate should be well versed in editing software such as Dreamweaver and have used scanners to import graphics as well as text.

·       Must have experience using Adobe Acrobat to create PDF forms/files.

Applicants should email Dr. Linda Mahler, lmahler@admin.fsu.edu, by August 28, 2009. Be sure to attach a resume outlining qualifications.