Florida A&M has reopened their search for an Instructor Librarian (Cataloging). Here’s the link: https://irattlerhcm.famu.edu/psp/famh9prd/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&SiteId=300&JobOpeningId=1416&PostingSeq=1& You will have to establish a username & password to apply.
FAMU Instructor Librarian (Cataloging)
FAMU Architecture Library-Library Assistant vacancy
The Florida A&M University Architecture Library seeks a hardworking, service-oriented individual for the position of OPS Library Assistant. Position Term: 9 month, 20-25 hours/week Minimum Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree Preferred Qualifications: MLIS, some library experience, and/or background in information studies, architecture, or related fields The Architecture Library is a branch of the Florida A&M University Libraries …
CONTINUE READINGFlorida IT Career Alliance to Host Students for Career & Educational Event
More than 500 Big Bend high school students expected to attend Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information, in partnership with the Florida IT Career Alliance, will host a career fair and educational event for area high school and college students. List of employers available here. Employer List. The goal of the FITC Alliance is …
CONTINUE READINGFITC Recognized by Florida Board of Governors
It was standing room only this morning at Challenger Learning Center. Top government officials, educators, and community leaders gathered to celebrate the roll-out of the TEAm grant. “We’re connecting the dots so that we can provide our students with jobs,” said Marshall Criser III, State University System Chancellor, who opened the ceremony talking about the …