Earlier this year Dr. Shuyuan Mary Ho was awarded the NSF I-CORPS grant to investigate the feasibility of communication analysis software and human language analysis in various market segments, and now she has received yet another grant. Dr. Ho has been awarded the Florida Center for Cybersecurity (FC²) Collaborative Seed Grant. FC² is poised to …
iSchool’s Dr. Shuyuan Mary Ho awarded FC² Collaborative Seed Grant
CCI Health Informatics Research Highlighted at Health Communication Conference
Several health informatics research studies conducted by CCI faculty, students and collaborators have been selected for presentation at the D.C. Health Communication Conference (DCHC) which will be held in Fairfax, Virginia from April 16-18, 2015. This biennial conference features competitive papers, posters, and panels on cutting edge health communication research and strategies, evolving health information technologies, …
CONTINUE READINGiSchool’s Dr. Ho awarded NSF I-CORPS grant
Dr. Shuyuan Mary Ho was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for her project, “I-Corps: Market Impact Identification of Dyadic Attribution Model for Disposition Assessment Using Online Games.” The $50,000 grant started December 14th, 2014 and will run until May 2015. Dr. Ho researches human-computer interactions and focuses heavily on cyber insider threats and …
CONTINUE READINGMeet COMM grad student: Kristen Ghandour
Kristen Ghandour is a graduate student and research assistant in the School of Communication. She’s studying in the Integrated Marketing Communication program, starting her second semester of classes. Last semester, Ghandour started work on a media production project with Dr. Jonathan Adams called Bridging the Language Outcomes in the Classroom (BLOOM). The grant works to …
CONTINUE READINGStvilia and Gibradze published
Two members of Florida State University‘s School of Information, Besiki Stvilia and Leila Gibradze, were recently published in Library & Information Science Research. What do academic libraries tweet about, and what makes a library tweet useful?, was published in October 2014 and analyzed 1,200 tweets from six large academic libraries. A content analysis revealed nine content …
CONTINUE READINGNSSHLA recognized at annual ASHA Convention
NSSHLA, the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, is a pre-professional membership association for students who are interested in, or studying Communication Science and Disorders. The FSU chapter boasts 120 members with around 80-90 active members, according to Eric Curkan, NSSHLA President. Most recently, NSSHLA traveled to the annual ASHA Convention. ASHA, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, held the 2014 …
CONTINUE READINGLansford featured in Tallahassee Democrat & FSUNews
Kaitlin Lansford, Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Science and Disorders, has gained more attention for her 2014 New Century Scholars Research Grant. The story was picked up by Tallahassee Democrat. Tallahassee Democrat featured Lansford’s research news in their Campus Notes section, ‘Grant funds crowdsourcing research at FSU. Read the full article here: Tallahassee …