FSU College of Information master’s student Damian Nastri was recently recognized by Gov. Jeb Bush with a Points of Light Award for his outstanding leadership and service to colleges and communities throughout Florida. The governor’s Points of Light Award, recognizes a Florida resident or organization that demonstrates exemplary service to the community.
“Damian Nastri has recognized the importance of education and leadership within his community, and has made each of these priorities his personal responsibility,” said Governor Bush. “I thank Mr. Nastri for his continuing service.”
Damian has spent the last 10 years serving Florida’s colleges and universities by leading numerous student organizations, community service projects and movements of social and policy change within the Florida school system. He is currently serving as Speaker of the Congress of Graduate Students. He has served as a mentor, advisor, executive liaison, student body representative, President of the National Leadership Honor Society and other numerous volunteer leadership roles in the university system.