High Rankings for Two College Journals

A recently published study gave high rankings to the two research journals at the FSU College of Information:

  • Seventy-one refereed library/information science journals were rated on a scale of one to five in two rankings-one by deans of ALA-accredited education programs and another by directors of ARL libraries.
  • The Library Quarterly was ranked second by LIS Deans and sixth by ARL Directors. Library Quarterly is co-edited at the FSU College of Information by John Carlo Bertot, Professor, and Wayne A. Wiegand, F. William Summers Professor.
  • Government Information Quarterly was ranked 26th by ARL Directors and 40th by LIS Deans. John Carlo Bertot is editor and Charles R. McClure, Francis Eppes Professor, is associate editor.
  • Citation: Nisonger, Thomas E., and Charles H. Davis. 2005. The perception of library and information science journals by LIS education deans and ARL library directors: A replication of the Kohl-Davis Study. College and Research Libraries 66 (July): 341-77.