Dr. Christie Koontz, research associate in the School of Library & Information Studies (SLIS), published the second volume of the book, Marketing Library and Information Services II: A Global Outlook. Her co-editors are Dinesh K. Gupta and Àngels Massísimo. It was published in 2013 by Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur.
With contributions from library and information professionals including practitioners, researchers, faculty members, consultants and others, Marketing Library and Information Services (LIS) II: A Global Outlook, highlights a variety of model LIS marketing practices and efforts from around the globe. The following topics are explored: changing marketing concepts; marketing library and information services in different countries; marketing library and information services in different kind of libraries; web-based LIS marketing, and more.
Koontz remarked, “Our International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Management and Marketing Section has promoted marketing education through the IFLA International Marketing Award and continued publications which draw in third world practitioners and writers. I feel tremendous responsibility to share the education and training I have received in the U.S. with these professionals who aspire to practice marketing with little support or resources.”
The book’s first edition published in 2006, Volume 1, Marketing library and information services: International perspectives, contains insights of 47 experts from 20 countries through 40 articles. This initial book was created to help both working and future librarians understand vital issues relating to the marketing of library and information services at the local, national and international level.
In 1997, Koontz published the Library Facility Siting and Location Handbook; she provides practical advice on how to most effectively locate library facilities, based on an analysis of the library’s market area, comprised of actual and potential users. Koontz pioneered the important need to understand the geographic and spatial nature of individual libraries, by collecting data that describe people who use a single library, what materials and services they use, and approximating the distance they will travel for these services. This work led to the large scale mapping projects known as Geolib and iMapLibraries.org.
Koontz is an alumna of the FSU College of Information and has been a faculty member at FSU since 1990. Currently, she facilitates SLIS graduate program recruitment. Koontz also served as the faculty advisor to the SLIS-award winning “Best in the Nation” Student Chapter in 2012. She teaches marketing domestically and abroad.