This message is to provide some information about a change in computer requirements for current students at the School of Information Studies. We regret that incorrect information has begun to circulate and the School wants to provide students with the most up-to-date information.
The faculty of the School of Information Studies feels that it is important for students to be able to manage both their information environments and the supporting technology. This ability will help them be more productive and successful digital age information professionals. To move our students toward this goal, the School will be requiring all NEW students to provide their own computers and software.
This requirement will ONLY APPLY to NEW students who will be entering our undergraduate program beginning Fall 2003, and graduate students entering Fall 2004.
STUDENTS CURRENTLY ENROLLED in our programs will not be required to own their own computers. IT WOULD NOT BE FAIR to do so.
We will be publishing this requirement in the University Bulletin, on our website, and through our listservs. We will also keep our students informed about the emerging details of this change through these two channels.
It is important that students will know about this new requirement, so they can take it into consideration when applying for financial aid. Because the school is making computer and software ownership a requirement of its program, the expense is considered an eligible expense for financial aid purposes. It would not be eligible if it were optional.
Any student who is currently enrolled in one of our programs may also benefit from this new requirement if they want to purchase a computer and software with their financial aid. We encourage all current students to consider doing so, but again let us emphasize IT IS NOT A REQUIREMENT.
Background: MOST of the students in our programs ARE ALREADY REQUIRED to own their computers and software because they are participating in web-based courses at a DISTANCE. Therefore, this change will only affect local students who have previously been exempt from that technology requirement.
NO FIRM DECISIONS has been made about the details concerning this new requirement. As quickly as we work out these details, we will keep students informed. This process may take several weeks to complete, but we anticipate knowing the key details about implementation about this requirement by April 1.
The School will be working diligently with vendors to secure a package of hardware and software at the best possible price for students.
In the meantime, if you have urgent questions not covered by the information above, please send an email to Dr. Kathleen Burnett, Associate Dean for Technology and Instructional Development,