Internship — Autism Project Website & Social Media (Tallahassee)

The College Autism Project Website & Social Media Proposal

Purpose: Our purpose of creating a “brand” and virtual presence for the College Autism Project is for our research to become easily accessible and relevant to the public. We want to share our overall goals to develop a following to share pertinent discoveries that will be beneficial to the educational experience of students who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Naming Needs:

  • Consistent use of name (C.A.P. or College Autism Project)
  • Collect and control similar domain names to redirect to original link

Website Needs:

  • Domain (identification, hosting, and redirections)
  • A logo (A symbol that draws the eye of the viewer and will become the icon of our overall project)
  • Website visuals that relate to popular known images of present autism symbols (multicolored puzzle pieces) **Possible use of Rubik’s Cube and mortar board- Graduation cap and gown
  • Mobile friendly and cross browser compatible
  • Content includes: (separated by individual “tabs”)- likely to include: PDF’s, videos, and links
    • A- Advocacy
    • R- Research
    • T- Training
    • Resource sections (Parents, Teachers, Other, ect..)
    • Feedback or contact sections
  • Integration with social media (twitter, Facebook, Instagram, ect..)
  • Easily update by multiple users as content becomes available
    • G. A graduate student who sees a interesting news story could be able to quickly post to the “resources” tab and tweet out associated announcement
    • G. Faculty can post PPT and PDF files with a few clicks with out needing to go to a desktop computer or load complicated web-authorized software
  • Content style and templates for future development (CSS?)

Current Account Information:

Position Details:

This position is an on-campus internship that offers Garnet and Gold / Independent Study credit. This position also has flexible hours that will work well with any class schedule.


For more information: Contact  Dr. Brad Cox       Email: