JOB DESCRIPTION: Student assistant working 20-25 hours/week with the Assistant Dean of Internships and Outreach in marketing and recruiting for the IT and ICT program. Position will start once interviews are complete. Student will be employed at a rate of $10-$15/hr working 20-25 hours per week. Rate varies by experience/degree.
OVERVIEW: The Undergraduate IT program now includes two majors, Information Technology and Information and Communication Technologies. The IT major has 300+ students; the ICT is new. Recent data has shown that few high school students, teachers, guidance counselors, parents, FSU recruiters and advisors know about the programs. Most are familiar with computer science, but not with IT and certainly not with ICT. Currently, the IT program does not do any external marketing to high schools, freshman, etc. With the addition of the ICT major, we need to promote the undergraduate program.
Must have:
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Strong organizational skills
- Strong work ethic and positive attitude
- Effective verbal and written communication skills
- Excellent presentation skills (you will be presenting to high schools, colleges, etc.)
- Analytical and problem solving skills
Preferred but not required:
- Experience with advertising solutions, preferably online media and new media
- Strong knowledge of technology
- IT, Business or Communications majors preferred
- Knowledge of online advertising trends – search, display, Social media, etc.
To Apply:
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