Bertot Book Published

College of Information Professor John Carlo Bertot, along with co-author Denise M. Davis (Director, Office of Research, American Library Association), recently published Planning and Evaluating Library Networked Services and Resources through Libraries Unlimited.

The book describes techniques for evaluating and measuring services provided through library networks (including collection development, group purchases, and reference services). It is comprehensive in its treatment of evaluating network services, providing guides for developing evaluation instruments, for testing them, and for applying them.

Contributions to the book feature some of the leaders in the area of e-metrics (the measurement of electronic resources), Chuck McClure, FSU College of Information Francis Eppes Professor and Director of the Information Use Management and Policy Institute; Oliver Pesh, EBSCO; Judith Hiott, Houston Public Library; and Jeff Shim, Association of Research Libraries e-metrics.

February 2, 2004