Farewell to a Friend: Brett Jula

Florida State University alumnus Brett Jula passed away on February 10, 2016 at the age of 29 following an automobile accident. A Sigma Nu brother and a 2011 graduate of FSU’s integrated marketing communication program, Jula was working as a district coordinator for Boston Beer Company in St. Louis, Missouri. Jula ate, slept, drank and breathed …


FSU Students Mentor Technology Students at TSA

FSU students including students from IT, ICT, and Biology are currently in Orlando judging events for the Florida Chapter of the Technology Student Association (TSA). TSA consists of middle and high school students who compete in various events related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition FSU students will also represent the University …


iSchool Collaborative Research Project Receives ALISE/OCLC Grant

A research project being conducted by iSchool professor Dr. Besiki Stvilia with iSchool alum Dr. Shuheng Wu of SUNYand Dr. Dong Joon Lee of Texas A&M Libraries recently received an ALISE/OCLC Research Award for $14,984. Entitled “Social aspects of participation in online research identity management systems,” the study will look at researchers’ perceived value of research identity metadata and motivations …


Find the iSchool at #FLA2016!

FSU iSchool presents at the 2016 Florida Library Association The Plaza Resort & Spa, Daytona Beach, FL   Members of the Florida State University (FSU) School of Information ( FSU iSchool) community will be at the upcoming FLA Conference in Daytona Beach, FL February 29 – March 3, 2016.  The iSchool invites you to stop …


Communication Disorders Alumna Creates Doreen Brown Oyadomari Scholarship

Doreen Oyadomari transferred to Florida State University in 1965 as a junior pursuing English. She had received a scholarship to live in the since-demolished Palm Court house at of the Southern Scholarship Foundation. Unbeknownst to Doreen, her roommates at Palm Court would influence decisions that led to her career as Chief of Audiology & Speech Pathology Service at …


Farewell to a Friend: Katherine Morse

Katherine “Kay” Morse, FSU alumna and one of the first graduates of our Master’s Speech Pathology program, passed away peacefully at age 90 on October 21, 2015. While at Florida State, she served as President of Zeta Phi Eta, directed a play at Jefferson High School in Tampa and experienced what she told her family were some …


Alum Amina Resheidat Employs Communication Skills at PACE Center for Girls

While at Florida State, Amina Resheidat (B.S. ’13) double majored in Media Production and Philosophy. Throughout her time at FSU, she volunteered and held a myriad positions with Union Productions/Club Downunder, served as the President and Secretary at the Florida State University Chapter of Invisible Children, Inc. and participated with the Student Government Association. These days, the ambitious …