SCOM Student Awarded Jay Rayburn Scholarship

Kaylan Williams, a Public Relations (PR) student in the School of Communications, has been awarded the Jay Rayburn Scholarship through the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA). Williams was honored at the FPRA statewide “PR & Comms Summit” this August.


PhD Student Sunah Lee Attends 2024 NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar

Sunah Lee, a PhD student at Florida State University (FSU), was one of only 30 students nationwide chosen to attend the esteemed National Communication Association (NCA) Doctoral Honors Seminar. Held from June 4-7 at the University of Utah, this seminar brought together the nation’s most promising scholars to discuss current topics in communication.


Celebrating Florida Library Association Award Winners From The College

A School of Information alumnus Joseph Dellosa (M.S. ‘23) and current Information master’s student Jazmin Jimenez were awarded Florida Library Association (FLA) Awards earlier this year. FLA awards honor different individuals, organizations, and additional library supporters who extend help to their library system. Dellosa and Jimenez were both awarded The Betty Davis Miller Youth Services Award which recognizes an individual or group for their outstanding program creation which offers direct service to youth through a measurable impact.


CCI Students Present at National Technology Conference

From June 26-30, ten College of Communication and Information (CCI) students and one CCI alumna presented at the National Technology Student Association (TSA) Conference in Orlando, Florida. The students who attended, all members of the FSU Students & Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) alliance, presented in seven sessions addressing collaboration, leadership, and teamwork to audiences of over 1,000 TSA members from all around the country.