SCSD Launches Successful First Year of AAC Camp

This summer, the School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD) launched its first Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Camp under the direction of Drs. Andrea Barton-Hulsey and Michelle Therrien, and with colleagues from special education and physical therapy, Dr. Kelly Whalon and Dr. Mari Therrien.


CCI Students and Faculty Present at SSSR Conference in Australia

This summer, two CCI faculty members– Dr. Shannon Hall-Mills and Dr. Kelly Farquharson–and four graduate students–Anne Reed, Kiana Hines, Shaylyn King St. Remy, and Jasmine Smith– had the opportunity to travel to Queensland, Australia to attend the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading’s (SSSR) annual conference. Dr. Shannon Hall-Mills, Dr. Kelly Farquharson, Kiana Hines, …


SCSD Professor Receives Funding for Needs Assessment in Jefferson County

SCSD Professor Erin Bush receives funding for needs assessment in Jefferson County

Dr. Erin Bush, Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD), was awarded the Provost’s Public Impact Research Grant by Florida State University (FSU) to conduct a needs assessment in Jefferson County as a first step toward creating a Community Partnership School (CPS). A CPS leverages support among local partners to provide …