This year’s Great Give is rapidly approaching! FSU’s Great Give will kick off at midnight on Wednesday, March 6, and will continue for the next 24 hours. FSU’s Great Give is a university-wide day of giving that supports our exemplary students, faculty, and groups across campus. We encourage you to consider making an online donation …
News from the CCI School Communication Science & Disorders
10 CCI Projects in FSU’s Great Give 2024
SCSD Alumna Dr. Keisey Fumero Publishes Dissertation
Dr. Keisey Fumero, an alumna of the School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD), published her dissertation, titled “Supportive Language Strategies for Preschool Dual Language Learners: Associations with Early Language Outcomes” in the Early Childhood Research Quarterly journal on December 23, 2023, with Drs. Carla Wood and Beth Phillips as co-authors. “My dissertation focused on …
CONTINUE READINGSCSD Assistant Professor Awarded $100,000 CRC Grant
Dr. Zilong Xie (SCSD) was awarded $100,000 in funding from the Council on Research and Creativity (CRC) for his proposed project, “Tracking the Trajectory of Sensory and Linguistic Plasticity in Second Language Acquisition in Adulthood.”
CONTINUE READINGSCSD Professor Awarded $2.4 Million Grant from NIH
Professor Kelly Farquharson was awarded a $2.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) toward a 4-year project which she is pursuing with Co-PI Dr. Katy Cabbage (Washington State University) and methodologist Dr. Chris Schatschneider (FSU Department of Psychology).
CONTINUE READINGSGA Gains New CCI Representatives
Two College of Communication and Information (CCI) students were recently elected to be representatives for the College on the Student Government Association (SGA). The new CCI representatives are Kayla Tran, a Media Communication Studies student (MCS), and Brooke Kubiak, a Communication Science and Disorders (CSD) student. Their new positions include weekly senate chamber meetings in …
CONTINUE READINGSCSD Faculty Members and Student Receive “Most Significant Research Paper Published in 2022” Award
School of Communication Science & Disorders faculty Drs. Michelle Therrien, Andrea Barton-Hulsey and Mollie Romano, along with recent-graduate Dr. Sara Collins, co-authored a publication and received the Augmentative Alternative Communication Editor’s Award for the most significant research paper published in 2022.
CONTINUE READINGSchool of Communication Science and Disorders Receives Two Exciting New Grants
The School of Communication Science and Disorders was recently awarded two exciting new grants from the United States Department of Education. Respectively, the two grants will support master’s and doctoral level leadership training through the projects TEO Team Enhanced Outcomes and TP-3 Team-Based Research and Teaching to Prepare Experts in Language, Literacy, and Learning. Read …