Nominate 2007 Distinguished Alumni

The College of Information Alumni Association is accepting nominations for our 2007 Distinguished Alumni Award. Each year our College presents the award to one of its outstanding graduates at our Annual Convocation & Homecoming Ceremony in Tallahassee. This year’s ceremony is October 27.

To be nominated, one should be:
1. an active professional with a degree earned from the College.
2. able to accept the award in person and deliver a short address at the Annual Convocation & Homecoming at the Shores Building in Tallahassee on October 27.

HOW TO NOMINATE. The deadline for nominations is September 7, 2007. You can nominate someone online or by printing and mailing a PDF version of the nominating form. Some supporting documentation such as the person’s vita, citations of their works, and letters of recommendation must also be sent by the September 7 deadline.