O Canada!: The CI at SLA Annual Conference in Toronto, June 5-7

The College of Information will be represented at an exhibition booth staffed by Dr. Maria Chavez-Hernandez at the 96th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) in Toronto, Canada on June 5-7 (the full conference runs June 5-8). The booth will be in the SLA conference exhibition area of the Toronto Metro Convention Centre, where the conference is being held. Exhibition hours:

Sunday, June 5: 12 noon-5:00 p.m.
Monday & Tuesday, June 6 & 7: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Students and alumni are invited to stop by to discuss what’s happening at the college, its programs, and where we are heading. For more information about the conference, see the Special Libraries Association website.