CI students win AWARDS at STARS Conference 8/23/08

Seven College of Information students joined Dean Larry Dennis and Assistant Professor Ebe Randeree in attending the STARS Alliance Celebration in Auburn, AL held August 10 – 13.

Atendees included:

  • Sabrina Fontaine
  • April Johnson
  • Mike Falcon
  • Emily Rosenthal
  • Delano Townsend
  • Twanisha Gordon
  • Kristin Norena

Joined by two FSU Computer Science students Randy Flood and Matthew Small, they participated in project planning, community initiatives, team-building and leadership development. Professor Randeree presented a session on "Using Web 2.0 to reach College and High School audiences".

The Stars students presented posters at the conference that represented some of their work over the last year (See for information on recent projects). There were 45 posters from 20 schools at the conference session competing in the following categories:

  • High School Outreach
  • Middle School Outreach
  • Student Retention & Recruitment
  • Research
  • Service Learning

FSU won 2 awards for High School Outreach and Service Learning.

The mission of the STARS (Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Service) Alliance is to increase the participation of women, under-represented minorities, and persons with disabilities in computing disciplines through multi-faceted interventions focused on the influx and progression of students from middle school through graduate school in programs that lead to computing careers. The Alliance is organized as a national constellation of regional stars that include research universities, minority and women’s universities & colleges, K-12 educators, industry, professional organizations, and community groups. The original NSF grant included 11 schools (including FSU, FAMU, and USF Polytechnic) and has now grown to 20 schools. If you have any questions, please contact Professor Randeree.