James E. Kirk Professor of Communication Dr. Art Raney is one of several CCI faculty members who have been recognized among the world’s top 2% of scientists based on their number of citations. Read on to learn more about Dr. Raney’s research and his advice to student researchers.
Raney’s research focuses primarily on how and why we enjoy various media entertainment content. When asked about the published work that he was most proud of, Raney said his favorites fell into two categories: publications that he had written with his students, and publications that tried to offer a new way of thinking about something. “My hope is that my research in some way can help to further highlight the need to seriously consider the role that media entertainment plays in our lives,” he said. “We must continue to try to understand its impact, for better and for worse, on our psychological, physical, social, and cultural well-being.”
When asked for his advice to current doctoral students involved in research, Raney said, “I encourage doctoral students to work with each other, their mentors, other faculty members, people in other departments and disciplines on campus, and colleagues at other universities. Share ideas. Be curious. And then think about your field as a dinner party, with lots of conversations going on at the same time. Write because you think you have something to add to those conversations. And have fun.”
CCI congratulates Dr. Raney on his incredible achievement, as well as the other recognized faculty members, including Dr. Hugh Catts, Dr. Melissa Gross, Dr. Paul Marty, and Dr. Besiki Stvilia.