iSchool Courses Recognized by National Institute of Standards and Technology

Over 60 undergraduate and graduate courses in the School of Information (iSchool) are now officially recognized as aligned and in compliance with The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). This has resulted in the addition of these courses to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies’ (NICCS) online education and training catalog.

The NICCS aims to break down barriers that prevent collaborative work to proactively coordinate prevention and mitigation of the biggest threats to the nation. The iSchool has been a Homeland Security NICCS training partner since 2016. At that time, only 12 of its courses were listed with NICCS.

“The School of Information is proud to offer such cutting-edge curriculum offerings in cyber-security,” said Dr. Chris Hinnant, Director of the School of Information.

This achievement comes after the recent announcement that the Master of Science in Information Technology online graduate program was ranked No. 9 overall and No. 5 among public universities according to U.S. News and World Report.

“Students in the fields of information science, information systems, and technology need to have top-notch education and rigorous training in order to design, innovate, develop, implement, and operate a safer cyberspace,” said Dr. Shuyuan Metcalfe, Associate Professor in the School of Information. “The iSchool is well-positioned to offer leading edge courses in preparing our next generation for the future of cyber.”