Florida State University School of Information Assistant Professor Yubo Kou has received an Honorable Mention Award from the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. CSCW is the premier venue for research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Bringing together top researchers and practitioners, CSCW explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities. This year’s conference will be held from November 3rd-7th, 2018 in Jersey City.
Kou will be presenting his paper entitled “Entangled with Numbers: Quantified Self and Others in a Team-Based Online Game” in an early afternoon session called “Team-Based Communication.” In addition to his award-winning paper, Kou will be presenting 7 total studies at the conference including “What do you recommend a complete beginner like me to practice?”: Professional Self-Disclosure in an Online Community, Tell Me Before You Stream Me: Managing Information Disclosure in Video Game Live Streaming, Supporting Distributed Critique through Interpretation and Sense-making in an Online Creative Community,Conspiracy Talk on Social Media: Collective Sensemaking during a Public Health Crisis, Managing Disruptive Behavior through Non-Hierarchical Governance: Crowdsourcing in League of Legends and Weibo, and Investigating Support Seeking from Peers for Pregnancy in Online Health Communities.
For a complete schedule of dates and times Yubo Kou will be presenting, click here.
Prior to joining FSU, Kou worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Dr. Colin M. Gray and Dr. Robin Adams at Purdue University from August 2016 to July 2018, focusing on understanding the role of social media in user experience designers’ design practices. He received a Ph.D. degree in informatics from the University of California, Irvine, where he worked with Dr. Bonnie Nardi on online governance and civic computing in China. He received a M.S. degree in computer science from Renmin University of China, and a B.A. degree in computational and applied linguistics from Peking University.
Yubo Kou joined iSchool beginning in August 2018 as an assistant professor. His research interests lie in the areas of human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, social computing, social media research, and game research.