Koontz co-edits IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines

Dr. Christie Koontz of the School of Library & Information Studies co-edited the International Federation of Libraries Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Public Library Service Guidelines with Barbara Gubbin, director of the Jacksonville Public Library.

The guidelines are “framed to provide assistance to library and information professionals in most situations. They assist to better develop effective services, relevant collections, and accessible formats within the context and requirements of the local community.”

FSU doctoral student Lauren Mandel (SLIS) contributed to the new section titled, “E-Government Services.” SLIS adjunct faculty member Laurea Brenkus contributed to the “Human Services” chapter. Alumna Nicole Stroud assisted Dr. Koontz in editing the new revision.


  • IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines / edited by Christie Koontz and Barbara Gubbin. Munich/New York: De Gruyter Saur, 2010.
  • Available in print or as an e-book. For more information, contact Walter de Gruyter, Inc. at degruytermail@presswarehouse.com