Dr. Megan MacPherson, Assistant Professor for the School of Communication Science and Disorders at Florida State University has a new award for her growing list.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research (JSLHR) is a revered journal in the industry that dates back to 1936. MacPherson is a manuscript reviewer for the bi-monthly journal, which has published several of her articles.
In February 2013, her article “Influences of Sentence Length and Syntactic Complexity on the Speech Motor Control of Children Who Stutter” was published. It has since been selected for an Editors’ Award, which is given to an article that the Editor and Associate Editors feel meet the highest standards in research design, presentation, and impact for the year.
“It is an impressive accomplishment to receive the Editor’s award from our most prestigious journal and even more so as a young investigator,” said Hugh Catts, Director of the School of Communication Science & Disorders.
MacPherson has been teaching at Florida State since January 2013. She has her Ph.D. in Speech Science and Gerontology and has been a certified speech-language pathologist since 2005. Dr. Anne Smith, professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Purdue University worked with MacPherson on the article.
The award will be presented at the 2014 ASHA Conference in November.