SCOM Student Utilizes Skills Built in the Classroom Both On and Off Campus

Advertising student Chloe Evers has demonstrated the benefits of going the extra mile in college. In addition to her studies, Evers currently holds an executive position with Strike Magazine as the Layout Director and acts as a social media intern with the Tallahassee-Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CSWG.) 

Evers has applied her design and advertising skills to real-world projects through these roles. Most recently, Evers contributed to The Period Poverty initiative by creating a month-long social media campaign to drive community awareness. Her dedication to translating classroom knowledge into professional experiences highlights her commitment to making an impact both on and off campus. 

“It was awesome seeing the community come together, and we were able to collect 3 pallets worth of menstrual products!” she said. 

Evers first became involved with Strike Magazine, an on-campus publication at Florida State University (FSU), during her freshman year as a way to expand her love for editorial design as well as fashion. Over time, Evers became involved in more leadership positions, leading her to her current position as Layout Director. She is now responsible for overseeing a team of 5 layout designers and managing the master file of a 130-page magazine, ensuring that the magazine is ready for print by the deadline. “Seeing students’ work come together into one final product is extremely special and so rewarding,” she said. 

Additionally, Evers has gained valuable industry experience through multiple internships. When she began her role with CSWG, she was excited about the freedom and entrustment to use her creativity to run its social media accounts and expand outreach for the organization. “I was driven to use my passion and 4 years of education within the Advertising major to expand the public’s awareness of CSWG,” Evers described.

Applying my knowledge of communications to a cause such as this has opened my eyes to so many possibilities. It’s really shown me that working in communications has the potential to have a huge impact,” Evers said. “It’s taught me to pay close attention to who I will be working with in the future and to carefully consider the message that I will be helping spread.”

The Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is a citizen advisory committee dedicated to promoting awareness of issues on women and girls in Tallahassee and Leon County. It serves an advisory role, providing input to the City and County Commissions as needed. 

Looking ahead, Evers plans to pursue a career in graphic design and advertising, with aspirations of one day starting her own agency. She credits the experiences she gained in the College for strengthening her skills in a real-world environment and growing her confidence in her ability to fulfill creative projects for a business. Additionally, Evers has a passion for traveling and plans to spend her first year or two after graduation as a flight attendant before kickstarting her career.

Evers invites readers to get involved with CSWG by checking out their website and Instagram.