SLIS doctoral student Shuheng Wu was accepted as one of 25 participants from 113 applicants to participate in the 2013 Digital Societies and Social Technologies (DSST) Summer Institute.
The DSST Summer Institute is an NSF-funded annual event, bringing researchers from academia and industry who have developed a strong focus on problems and opportunities arising from the interplay of social and technological systems.
Shuheng’s research is on work organization and data practices in molecular biology, biochemistry, and condensed matter physics communities at different levels. She will share her experience of studying scientific work organization and data management practices at this year’s Summer Institute. The Institute will fund her travel, lodging, and meals.
Shuheng Wu is a doctoral candidate in the School of Library and Information Studies at the College of Communication and Information at Florida State University. She received a BS in Management from Sun Sat-Sen (Zhongshan) University, China, and an MS in Library and Information Science from Syracuse University. She is interested in scientific data management, knowledge organization, social informatics, data and information quality, and bioinformatics and molecular biology. Her current research focuses on work organization and data practices in molecular biology, biochemistry, and condensed matter physics communities at different levels.
Besides her attendance at the DSST Institute, Shuheng has been very busy academically in 2013. She is the co-author of a refereed journal article, “Assessing the relationships among tag syntax, semantics and perceived usefulness,” in press as the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. IN addition, Shuheng also has two refereed conference proceedings this year and two poster presentations.
For more information on Shuheng’s research, check out: https://shuhengwu.wordpress.com/