Over a dozen students in the Florida State University College of Communication & Information (FSU CCI) presented their original research or creative works at the 14th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. It took place from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 1, 2014, at the Honors, Scholars and Fellows House.
This event provided a unique opportunity for undergraduate student researchers to showcase their work on research and creative activities from across campus to the university community. To be selected to participate, applicants previously submitted an abstract explaining their work and findings to FSU’s Office of Undergraduate Research.
At the Symposium, undergraduate students in various majors presented recently completed academic projects that cover diverse topics, approaches, and interests. This year a total of about 200 FSU students presented their work as oral and poster presentations.
Here is a full list with project of the CCI student participants who presented at this event:
“Validating the CTSCD as a Tool for Measuring Critical Thinking”
Student: Kendra Scholz, School of Communication Science and Disorders (SCSD)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Morris, SCSD Associate Professor
“A Media Framing Analysis: The Coverage of Rape in Indian and Western News Sources”
Student: Shauna Gillooly, School of Communication (COMM)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen McDowell, John H. Phipps COMM Professor and CCI Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
“An Examination of Gender Differences in Preschoolers’ Conversational Language”
Students: Brooke Ossi, Carolyn Alexander, and Kaitlin Snapp, SCSD
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carla Wood Jackson, SCSD Associate Professor
‘Differences in Narratives Produced by Preschoolers After Exposure to Static Versus Animated Stories”
Students: Ariel Basden and Charles Lafer, SCSD
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carla Wood Jackson, SCSD Associate Professor
“Essential Language Skills for Adolescent Literacy: Have We Persuaded You?”
Student: Catherine Sassano, SCSD
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Shannon Hall-Mills, Assistant in SCSD
“Hispanics on Drunk Driving: Exploring the Impact of Fear-Appeal Advertising on Hispanic Adolescents”
Student: Carolina Ruggero, COMM
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sindy Chapa, COMM Assistant Professor
“Quality of Life After a Total Laryngectomy”
Student: Christina Givner, SCSD
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Julie Stierwalt, SCSD Associate Professor
“Reporting Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: The American Media and Their Treatment of the Troubles Peace Process”
Student: Annalise Kapusta, COMM
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen McDowell, John H. Phipps COMM Professor and CCI Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Read a past CCI News story from April 2, 2014 about Kapusta featured as ” COMM student wins Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Award.”
“The Taliban and the Media: Coverage Changes Surrounding the Death of Mehsud”
Student: Sandra Thomas, COMM
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen McDowell, John H. Phipps COMM Professor and CCI Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
“Understanding Oral Language Development through Narrative Samples”
Student: Alexandra Saa, SCSD
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carla Wood Jackson, SCSD Associate Professor
Find another article published April 2, 2014 by FSU University Communications discussing more about this year’s symposium. It includes an interview with SCSD student participant, Sarah Givner, about her research project.