College of Information Student Wins University Fellowship

Kathy Ann Washington, a distance-learning student who entered the master’s program at the College of information in Fall 2004, has won a 2005-2006 FSU University Fellowship. The fellowship program is an annual, university-wide competition funded by the Office of Graduate Studies that provides $18,000, plus a tuition waiver of up to 12 hours, for the fall and spring terms. Up to 35 awards are offered to new or currently enrolled FSU master’s or doctoral students.

Kathy Ann is a resident of Georgia who received an MS in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Florida in August 1997 and a BS in actuarial science from FAMU, graduating Summa Cum Laude, in April 1996. Her current master’s program concentration is in Information Needs of Youth, and she is working toward School Library Media Specialist certification. Eliza T. Dresang, Eliza Atkins Gleason Professor, is her faculty advisor. We congratulate Kathy Ann on her outstanding achievement.