Doc candidate/TA Koh wins ASIST award

by Bob Branciforte

Kyungwon Koh, doctoral candidate and teaching assistant at the School of Library and Information Studies, has won the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 2010 Special Interest Group, Information Needs Seeking and Use (SIG USE) Ph.D. Student Travel Award.

The purpose of the award is to assist a student in a doctoral program in attending the ASIS&T annual conference by defraying travel costs. The ASIS&T 2010 Annual Meeting takes place in Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 22-27.

Candidates for the award, who are doctoral students in the SIG USE, are required to write a statement addressing an issue relating to the current year’s conference theme in relation to information behavior research (how people need, seek, manage, give, and use information in different contexts). The current year conference theme “Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem,” refers to the increasingly wide-ranging and expansive nature of the field. The award consists of a check for $500.