The University Teaching and Advising Awards Committee is seeking nominations for awards recognizing excellence in teaching and advising. The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 4th. These awards recognize excellence in teaching and undergraduate advising and each award carries a $2000 honorarium.
Students and alumni may nominate full-time faculty members or full-time advisors for these awards. Nomination forms are available online and will be published in the FSView. The nomination form is short and asks for a brief reason for your nomination. If a nomination form is not available, simply write a short paragraph stating the name of the professor or adviser and reasons for your nomination.
Criteria used to evaluate nominees include: availability to students; helpfulness and personal interest in students; use of creative or innovative techniques; receptivity to students’ ideas; organization and presentation of subject matter; stimulation of student thought and interest; helping students make discriminating judgments; knowledge about curriculum and career options; helping students develop an appreciation for the values and rewards of a university education; and an open and non-judgmental approach to students’ concerns.
Is Your Favorite Instructor/Advisor Eligible?
To qualify for a University Teaching Award, the nominee must:
- hold a permanent, full-time faculty appointment at the rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, or a position of assistant/associate in, research associate, or other position with a full-time teaching assignment;
- have completed at least two full years of teaching at Florida State University;
- have taught at least two courses in the year of the award (including summer term); and
- have not received a university-wide teaching award during the last five years.
Nominations accepted from past and present students only.
To qualify for the University Distinguished Teacher Award, the nominee must have received a University Teaching Award at least five years prior to the current academic year. If a nominee has received more than one teaching award, the five-year period starts with the date of the first award, that is, the nominee is eligible even if a second award was received during the last five years. The above requirements (University Teaching Award) related to rank and appointment status also applies to this award. If nominee has received Distinguished Teacher Award before, they have to start the process over again-i.e., they are only eligible for a Teaching Award after five years from winning an award.
Nominations accepted from entire University community, including alumni.