Ringling Library Internship for Fall 2022

Internship Title: Ringling Library Internship for Fall 2022 
Location: Remote — for The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Department: Library
Internship experience: Fully remote
Timeframe: Approximately August 22 – Dec 2, 2022
Expected schedule: Flexible, minimum 10 hours per week, approximately 2-hours per day
Positions available: 1
Education requirement: 
Bachelor degree completed in archival studies or information sciences; preferably, seeking a master’s degree in one of these areas or similar.
Required Qualifications/Experience:
  1. Own a computer with Internet access;
  2. Self-motivated;
  3. Types efficiently;
  4. Access to spreadsheet software, preferably Microsoft Excel. 
Internship Project(s) Description: 
The Ringling Museum has published a members’ newsletter since 1964.  Most of these newsletters are digitized; others are waiting to be digitized and OCR’d (optical character recognition).  Ultimately, the Library would like to provide access to these publications on Florida State University’s public access catalog, DigiNole.

Internship responsibilities include:

  1. Create a MODS metadata spreadsheet based on FSU DigiNole Metadata Guidelines for the newsletters, a necessary step before ingestion into the system;
  2.  If time remains, the intern might be able to start ingestion of the images into DigiNole.

Learning Outcomes: 

  1. Understand and apply MODS metadata elements to real-world examples;
  2. Obtain a working knowledge of best practices in digital stewardship;
  3. Learn about John Ringling and the history of his museum;
  4. Learning about controlled vocabularies and library standards.


Send relevant cover letter and resume to internships@ringling.org; include internship title as subject, email, and phone contact information.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, Sept 1, 2022 by 5pm.

Please send questions to internships@ringling.org; reference the internship title.