With a passion for knowledge and a backstage pass to 87 cabinets of the work of Pierre Paul Broca, Florida State University Francis Eppes Professor Dr. Leonard LaPointe set off to Paris to spend the summer of 2011 to research the 19th century neuroscientist for his latest book Paul Broca and the Origins of Language …
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Dr. Leonard LaPointe Explores Life of Paul Broca in Latest Book
'Hamburgers for Hearing' to benefit Schendel Clinic
The ladies of Delta Zeta sorority invite the community to the third annual Hamburgers for Hearing, a fundraiser for the L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic operated by FSU’s School of Communication Science & Disorders. The event will be held at the Delta Zeta Sorority house, 749 W. Jefferson St., from 5 to 7 p.m. …