NASA internships (redirect)

The NASA History Program Office sponsors internships for undergraduate and graduate students year-round. Our internships are quite substantive and are opportunities for students to learn and contribute significantly. NASA also has a clearinghouse site for other internships throughout the Agency. Interns physically report to work in the NASA Headquarters building in Washington, D.C.


Internship — Archivist Assistant

 Internship for Archiving Washington, D.C. ·         Non Paid Internship opportunity in the U.S. Senate ·         Looking for a Northern Virginia based graduate student from Florida State University School of Library and Information Studies (Spring Semester – Jan. 6 – April 28). ·         Areas of concentration for the Internship include helping to organize files into Archiving …


Journalism Internships in Washington, DC

Priority deadline of February 3 to receive priority scholarship consideration and internship placement.  Please also encourage your students to submit entries for the Robert Novak Collegiate Journalism Awards – first prize is $5,000. Please visit the website for submission guidelines and details on prizes. Thank you for your time and assistance. If you or …