FSU College of Information faculty and alumni have published a recent flurry of articles in LIS journals. Faculty members (Drs. Gary Burnett and Besiki Stvilia) and doctoral graduates (Drs. Paul T. Jaeger and Kim M. Thompson) authored and co-authored 25% of the articles in the most recent issue of Library & Information Science Research (Volume 30, Issue 1, March 2008):
- “Normative behavior and information: The social aspects of information access,” pages 56-66, Gary Burnett, Paul T. Jaeger and Kim M. Thompson
- “Value-based metadata quality assessment,” pages 67-74, Besiki Stvilia and Les Gasser
In the new issue of the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST, Volume 59, Issue 6, April 2008), the College of Information was also well represented by doctoral grad Dangzhi Zhao and with another publication by faculty member Dr. Besiki Stvilia:
- “Information science during the first decade of the web: An enriched author cocitation analysis,” pages 916-937, Dangzhi Zhao, Andreas Strotmann
- “Information quality work organization in Wikipedia,” pages 983-1001, Besiki Stvilia, Michael B. Twidale, Linda C. Smith, Les Gasser
Dr. Wayne A. Wiegand has just been notified that he won the Muriel H. Wright Award for best article published in Volume 85 (2007) of The Chronicles of Oklahoma for “Sooner State Civil Liberties in Perilous Times, 1940-1941: Part 2: Oklahoma’s Little Dies Committee.” The article was based on research that he and Shirley A. Wiegand did for Books on Trial: Red Scare in the Heartland, published in 2007 by the University of Oklahoma Press.
CI faculty are recognized as prolific researchers. A 2006 paper appearing in Library and Information Science Research (Adkins and Budd) ranked our faculty third among all LIS programs for most journal publications, and sixth for most journal publications per faculty member. Professors Charles R. McClure and John Carlo Bertot were noted as the most productive LIS faculty team in journal publication during the period between 1999 and 2004.