Job Type: Part Time, Contractor
Contract Scope: 2023 FL TSA Leadership Conference and 2024 FL TSA State Conference
Job Responsibilities
- Shoot still photos and action videos of Florida TSA student members at state conferences
- Take photos that exemplify technical and leadership attributes exhibited by FL TSA members
- Attend FL TSA Leadership Conference and FL TSA State Conferences in their entirety
- Provide photos and videos to FL TSA webmaster
- Provide advice and oversight to FL TSA social media accounts
- Provide multimedia content and upload content to FL TSA social media accounts
- Contribute to a creating a wider awareness of Florida TSA to the general public
- Coordinate schedules with conference managers and state officer advisor
- Timely communication with FL TSA executive director, FL TSA board of directors, FL TSA staff
- Provide guidance to state officer team on use of social media upon request
- Participate in conference planning session virtually when required to gain understanding of conference activities
- Prior photography experience
- Proficiency with managing social media accounts and posting content
- Superior organizational skills
- Experience with Microsoft Office Applications
- Effective oral and written communication
- Positive team oriented attitude
- Experience with meeting deadlines
- Ability to manage multiple tasks
- Receptive to constructive feedback
Reports to Florida TSA Executive Director
Apply by sending resume and letter of intent to Justin Lauer, FL TSA Executive Director